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Have a general inquiry?

We offer several ways to get in touch with us.

Report Fraud, Waste, Abuse or Compliance Concerns

Anonymously report fraud, waste, abuse, or compliance concerns by calling 1 (888) 211-4384 or visiting

For Employment Verifications

Versant Health utilizes TrueConfirm to provide fast, accurate, and secure employment and income verifications. Learn more here.

For Privacy-Related Inquiries Please Contact

Mail: Privacy Office, PO Box 472 Troy, NY 12181
Phone: 1 (800) 571-3366
Fax: 1 (866) 999-4640

2022 headshot of Hayley Ellington-Buckles
Hayley Ellington-Buckles
Chief Compliance and Privacy Officer

For Security-Related Inquiries Please Contact

Mail: Security Office, PO Box 472 Troy, NY 12181
Phone: 1 (800) 571-3366
Fax: 1 (866) 999-4640

Headshot of Auston Davis
Auston Davis
VP, Chief Information Security Officer

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