Our Provider Networks

We value the credentialed providers in our Davis Vision and Superior Vision networks. Our membership continues to grow and, by joining our networks, you can see more patients in your office while our members have greater access to great vision care.

child receiving eye exam

High In-Network Usage

Our networks include a mix of MD's and OD's to meet people’s needs.1 It’s no wonder that 98% of members use their benefits at in-network providers!2

Educating Members for Engagement

We have materials to educate employers and their members on the importance of eye exams—not only for vision correction, but for overall health, too.

A Nationwide Lab Network

Commercial members utilize a network of labs while Medicaid members’ eyewear is manufactured in our lab in Newtown Square, PA.

Provider Support

We’ve built our Provider Resource Center with you and your staff in mind. You'll find video tutorials, FAQs, guides, newsletters, and more.

1. Davis Vision OD/MD Mix Report (Oct. 2022); Superior Vision OD/MD Mix Report (Dec. 2022)
2. Versant Health Annual Network Utilization Report, 2021

Provider Testimonial

Ready To Join?

Learn more about our Davis Vision and Superior Vision networks by visiting their dedicated websites.

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